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Video Gaming

Hey! This is an example of some of the games that I play in my spare time. Terraria, Warframe, and For Honor. After I finish my homework and chores, I tend to like to play one of these three games, along with some other ones. Some of the others ones not listed is the Battlefield Series, I like to play Battlefield 4 because sometimes I feel like I'm in control of situations. I have my disagreements with the Call of Duty series, but I still play from time to time.

For any gamers that have an app called Discord, my tag is "Leone, Dragon Daddy#6401"

I play on multiple systems. I play on PC, in which my Steam Screen-name is "Leone, True Judgment!" as well as when I play on Xbox, which my name is "ProFinished" or "LeoneTheDragon." I also play on PlayStation, but it's very rare, so I don't really use my account. I play with my two best friends Nytefang and Lightningfix, although I do have very many occasions that I play games by myself.

I'm a lonely little boi.

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